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"If you can't speak out what is on you mind, then just sing it out" songs are the Tujias' most emotional expressions, and everyone is gifted as a singer, able to perform several folk songs of different melodies. As in many other ethnic groups, Tujia folk songs are mostly about love. We can never say that this singing of folk songs is a waste of time; for, it can bring true love and a happy marriage. Young men and women always get to know each other in this way, as the engage in antiphonal singing.

"If you can't sing out what is on you mind, then just dance it out" those Tujia people who can not sing folk songs probably are adept at Maogusi, Hand-waving Dance, Daiuzi or Tri-stick Drum. Maogusi is the most ancient, dramatic and unrestrained dance, and experts call it the "living fossil" of ancient culture and art. It mainly represents the working scene of farming by the slash and burn cultivation method, and also express the hunting and fishing techniques of a primitive society. The dance usually requires 15 or 16 people, with the lead dancer called the Old Maogusi, and the others the Young Maogusi.

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